
This course was completely different than any course I have taken at Hunter. Being an economics gives you a pretty blank boring canvas of classes to choose from, so this was definitely something different. I liked the creativity component of the class, but at the same time it was difficult for me to not be so analytical and step outside the box. I cannot say i developed any skills i didn’t already have in this class. I really did not enjoy group work, i prefer to work alone as i have my entire college career. It is just really hard to depend on people to do their share and bring as much to the table as I do when it comes to quality. It was nice to meet people, but once again, I prefer to work alone, so it wasn’t nice to not have the option of working alone. When we are asked to compare works and relate them to current events, I find that the most difficult of tasks. The assignment that was the most inspiring was the personal essay. I felt that the other assignments were really vague in requirements so it was easy to get lost and fall behind in workload. The discussion section was much less boring than the lecture, which i often found myself being half asleep in due to the dim lighting and comfy chairs. The most irritating part of the semester was the discussions about being an activist. I dont enjoy arguing with people based on opinions, nor do i like it when people try to change my opinion by basically arguing “..but what if blah blah”. I also didnt like the 9am start time -_-. The topics that were most relevant were those concerning advertising, those are the most exciting. Overall this class was okay, it exceeded my expectations but that was only because of you (Martyna). It’s the first time i have ever had a TA who was competent and genuinely tried to create relationships with the discussion classes. : )

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